Who we are


イラストレーターloundraw、サウンドクリエイターHIDEYA KOJIMA、ボーカルT.B.Aの、男子3人による、音楽と物語とアートがシンクロした新時代の音楽アート集団。

「君の膵臓をたべたい」「君は月夜に光り輝く」他、様々な作品の装画を手がけ、担当装画の累計発行部数は400万部を超す。自らも小説や漫画の執筆、アニメーション制作など、多彩な才能を発揮するloundrawが創り出すオリジナルかつ壮大な物語。その物語の中で生まれる音楽は、HIDEYA KOJIMAが生み出す楽曲にloundrawの歌詞が寄り添い、T.B.Aが歌うことで、音楽とアニメ、アート、小説がクロスオーバーしながら、多角的に物語が展開していく。


CHRONICLE is a music/art group of a new era where music, story, and art synchronize, and consists of three men, namely illustrator loundraw, sound creator HIDEYA KOJIMA, and singer T.B.A.
loundraw has designed a variety of cover arts for novels such as I Want To Eat Your Pancreas and Kimi wa Tsukiyo ni Hikari Kagayaku among others. Cumulatively, over four million copies of novels with his cover arts has been sold. He demonstrates his versatile abilities by writing novels and making manga and anime; for this project, he creates an original and epic story.
The music born within the story is produced by HIDEYA KOJIMA, accompanied by the lyrics penned by loundraw, and sung by T.B.A. The crossover of music, anime, art, and novel develops the story in a multifaceted approach.
They pave the way that no one has ever walked, in a way that no one else can. An innovative music/art group that pursues a new form of expression while always evolving and deepening themselves - that is what CHRONICLE is about.